5 Facts About Guava that Might Surprise You

Aside from its rich vitamin C content, did you know that the different parts of the guava tree has other potent benefits? Read on to know more about its origins and wonderful properties.
One of the most common things that people might know about guava (Psidium guajava) is that it’s packed with vitamin C. Which is true — this tropical fruit contains more vitamin C than oranges. Several varieties are known to have been introduced to the Philippines, such as the large "Indian" guava, and the native varieties collectively known as the Philippine Guava. Here, this round, green fruit is commonly seen in the fruit stands during the second half of the year. It is commonly eaten plain or with a side of salt (or another choice of condiment). But did you know that the whole plant (and not just the fruit) has a myriad of uses?
Here are some fun facts that might surprise you.
It can be turned into tea and soap. You've probably heard of guava jelly, which is usually sold alongside the usual mango, ube, and coco jam. But did you know that it also comes in tea, juice and soap form? The flavor of the fruit is versatile enough to be turned into other forms of food items, and the leaf extract is used in soap and lotion because of its known healing properties.
Guava essential oil can repel insects. Aside from the tart fruity aroma being used in different fragrances around the world, guava essential oil can also be used to repel mosquitoes and even cockroaches, according to a Science Alert review article. You can finally ditch that kulambo with this fragrant, all-natural oil.
The fruit is filled with nutritional benefits. Aside from vitamin C, the fruit also has high vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, and calcium content. It contains polyphenols and antiviral and anti-inflammatory compounds. According to the Springer Open International Journal of Phytomedicine and Phytotherapy, the polyphenols are said to prevent skin aging, and even help cure cancer cells. It is also rich in antioxidants, which fends off free radicals that we might get when exposed to tobacco, smoke, and radiation. The molecules from free radicals can cause heart diseases and lung cancer, which is why it would be good to eat more foods that contain antioxidants.
Guava leaf extract can be used as a dye. And not just any dye — a study done by dyeing silk fabric with dye showed that the fabrics gain higher deodorization and UV protection rate than the non-dyed fabrics used in the experiment. You can even use the leaves to make pretty DIY patterns on silk, paper and even press it onto clay. Something to add to your list of fun projects to try at home.
Its leaves are packed with medicinal properties. Guava leaves have high anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used heavily in places like Mexico, Africa, Asia, and Central America to fight off cough and diarrhea. In the Philippines, the guava is listed as one of the 10 medicinal herbal medicines approved by the Department of Health (DOH). The leaves are usually applied directly on wounds as an antiseptic, and boiled to be used as a mouthwash to avoid gum infections.
Aside from oral care, skincare, and the wide range of medicinal uses that guava leaf extract serves, it is also a great natural anti-bacterial for the feminine area. pH Care Naturals Guava uses the same natural guava leaf extract that has long been trusted by Filipinas to protect against bacteria down there. Available in feminine wash and wipes, you can trust the natural protection of guava leaf extract to guard your feminine area against bacteria and odor every day.
See the natural benefits of guava for yourself with pH Care Naturals Guava. With the anti-bacterial properties of guava leaf extract, you get natural na alaga and stay protected from odor, itch, and irritation all day. It's also clinically formulated with the right pH level of 5 so it's gentle and safe for everyday use.