First Period? Keep Calm and Read This

We know how daunting periods can be. Here's a handy guide on what to expect and how to best prepare.
Getting your period for the first time is a rite of passage. It’s a sign that you’re beginning your reproductive years and that you have finally entered womanhood
It’s normal to feel strange and anxious as your body undergoes changes. No need to worry, though! We hope this guide helps you feel less nervous about this exciting new chapter in your life and help your first period flow as smoothly as possible.
What is a period?
It goes by many names: period (of course), menstruation, meron, regla, “that time of the month”. Whichever way you call it, your period means you’re well on your way to becoming a fully developed woman.
When will you get your first period?
Everyone is different, but most girls start menstruating between 11 and 14 years old, with the average age at 12. Some start earlier, at eight; or later, at 16. This is completely normal. Once it starts, it usually comes about once a month.
How long does your period last?
Periods usually last anytime between two to seven days. If your period often lasts longer than seven days, talk to a parent or a doctor to make sure things are okay.
How much bleeding is normal?
It may seem like an alarming amount, but you only lose about 2-3 tablespoons of blood. Again, every woman is different and some bleed more than others. Your first day is usually your heaviest, and it gets lighter towards the end.
What are the signs that you’re about to get your first period?
As your body starts grows into womanhood, you’ll notice a few changes: your breasts growing, the appearance of pubic and other body hair, and a white discharge in your underwear. Your first period is bound to follow suit. It’s also possible that you’ll experience what we call PMS, or premenstrual syndrome. You’ll notice some hormonal mood swings or moodiness, bloating, dysmenorrhea or period pains, and pimples. These are just temporary!
How should you prepare?
Since you can’t really predict exactly when the red tide will make its debut, we recommend putting together a Period Emergency Kit! Grab a cute cosmetic bag that’s compact enough to fit in your school bag and fill it with the following essentials:
- Your choice of pads. Most girls start off with pads before switching to tampons as they grow older and more comfortable with their bodies.
- An extra pair of clean underwear. Tagos sometimes happens and it’s best to be prepared!
- Pain relievers. While bleeding itself doesn’t hurt, some girls experience menstrual cramps. Having a painkiller handy will help you get through the worst of it.
- Something to make you feel clean, start including a gentle feminine wash like pH Care in your daily shower routine. It is specifically formulated to take care of your feminine area to keep you far from odor, itch and irritation.
Periods are a wonderful thing but they can also be hard to deal with. It can get messy and sometimes, the dysmenorrhea will make you want to stay in bed. Remember to be kind to yourself when it’s that time of the month, and that a little TLC and self-pampering will help make dealing with it much more bearable.