Survive Your Exam Week with These Sure Tips
Don’t worry, girl! These tips can help you feel like you’re ready for any challenge.
You may dread every second of it — that’s completely understandable! Whether you’re about to step into another year in college or explore a different world outside of it, passing your exams proves that you’ve learned all the knowledge needed to deal with new experiences ahead.
Stay focused and motivated to keep stress from ruining your rhythm during this time. Here are easy ways to keep you worry-free in this testing — literally — period:
Get enough sleep
You'd think less sleep means more time for studying for our exams. However, staying up all night is counterproductive not only because you risk dozing off while taking your test. Once your brain gets exhausted, it also slows down or stops retaining information — leaving you anxious as you try to think of answers that you had a hard time processing in the first place. Adding sleep to your to-do list is as crucial as planning an efficient reviewing schedule a few weeks before your tests. Getting enough rest may lessen your study hours, but doing so allows your brain to absorb knowledge at a much quicker pace.
Keep moving
During crunch time, studying is life and the library is your BFF. But sitting in one place for hours can limit blood circulation in your brain, leading to mental fatigue.
Exercise has been proven to enhance memory and thinking skills, as well as reduce stress and anxiety. You don’t need to go to the gym for a full workout — we know you’re busier than ever! Take a short walk outside or do two sets of crunches. Jog in place or do jumping jacks. The key is to perform short and simple activities that will increase your heart rate and keep your blood flowing.
Eat right
Having fast-food takeout or delivery can save time to finish your readings. But the problem with putting convenience above health is that empty calories will just leave you feeling sluggish and out of focus. While loading up on sugary energy drinks may give you a jolt of energy for a few hours, you’ll still end up crashing after the caffeine wears off.
Don't forget that eating regularly is good, but eating right is better. Before you head into exam week, stock up on whole grains, fresh vegetables, and lean meats at home. Prepare apple slices or baby carrots to munch on while studying. Never take a test on a hungry tummy! Skip the chocolate for a high-protein meal to pump up your energy.
Work together
Students are often scared to ask for help for fear of being a hassle to their peers. But acknowledging your need for support during this difficult week can turn your worries of failure into high grades!
Having a hard time understanding a subject or clueless about what to study? Don’t hesitate to ask for tips and tools from your friends, classmates, and even professors. You might just discover the perfect study partner or group to get you through the exams!
Focus on you
Tough times can open you to situations out of your comfort zone — and that's what's great about them. What's important is that you focus on your health and personal hygiene, plus stay positive despite stressful moments. Take good care of yourself to prepare for exam week, and we're sure you'll ace it, too.
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