pH Balance and Why it Matters

First things first, let’s get this out of the way: maintaining pH Balance is crucial to a healthy vagina. People are often confused by what pH level means, and how it could actually impact your day-to-day. Think you know what’s really going on down there? Take a crash course on pH balance below!
pH Balance: Your Vagina’s First Line of Defense
pH refers to the vagina’s acidity level. Normally, vaginal pH is pegged at about 4.5 to 5.5, ensuring that the vagina maintains a healthy biome. Anything lower is too acidic, and anything higher is too basic. However, at ideal levels, acidity also acts as a natural barrier to both infection and irritation, inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria, which tend to thrive in more alkaline environments.
A number of factors can affect your vagina’s pH balance in a negative way. Antibiotic medications, and even Menopause are cited as risk factors when trying to maintain a healthy pH balance.
Can You Get By With Soap? Sometimes, it’s not enough.
While we can’t deny the cleansing power of regular soap, your feminine area needs special care and attention to maintain its balance. Effective feminine wash protects you from bacterial infection, and helps you stave off odor because, let’s be honest: it gets muggy down there!
It’s also important to remember that when your pH levels fluctuate, bacterial vaginosis may occur, resulting from an overgrowth of atypical bacteria in the vagina. Some of the symptoms include an abnormal amount of vaginal discharge, foul-smelling vaginal odor, and rarely, pain during urination. These are definitely not problems you’d like to deal with, especially when you’re with your special someone.
A Delicate Balance
There are a number of tried-and-tested methods to help ensure that your vagina maintains a healthy pH balance.
The formula simple: drink a lot of fluids, eat nutritionally dense foods, and don’t forget your probiotics. If you must, encourage your partner to wear a condom and practice safe sex to keep harmful germs at bay. Most importantly, add pH Care Intimate wash to your daily shower routine. It’s the easiest way to prevent unwanted bacteria and infections.
Strike a balance in your priorities and don’t forget: your vagina’s Yin and Yang matters just as much as yours.