Take A Break: Best De-Stressing Activities You Can Try At Home

As much as we hate it, stress is an inevitable part of our lives. Meeting an important deadline at school or work? Stress. A job interview? Stress. Adulting in general? Still stress!
But despite how common it is, stress will never be healthy and can even take a toll on your physical health. So if you feel as though you’ve been on the edge lately, it’s time to pause for a bit, scream or cry if you must, take deep breaths to collect yourself, and then try doing something that will help you re-channel your thoughts and energy to ease your stress levels.
Need some ideas? Start with these relaxing activities you can try at home:
Start A Journal
Many may find keeping a journal a chore and a bore, but writing down your thoughts, fears, and worries can actually give you a good outlet and visualization of what’s going on in your head. Just grab a pen and a notebook, and get those words flowing, then read what you’ve written. Like most people who keep a journal, you might be surprised to find ways to address your problems more effectively after putting them down on paper.
If writing’s not your thing, give doodling a shot. The best thing about this activity is that you don’t have to be skilled in drawing to enjoy it because you are not drawing to impress anyone. You are doing it simply to release the bundled-up tension in your head. Start with simple lines and squiggles or feel free to draw random objects in your surroundings—your rules, really. Forget perfection since nothing’s ever perfect in this world and just doodle away!
The word “meditate” sounds intimidating to a lot of people, and if you’re one of them, it’s about time you dismiss your presumptions because meditation is not all about “clearing your mind.”
Realistically speaking, it’s virtually impossible for you to wipe out every single thought in your head, but it is possible for you to achieve a level of calmness through slow and deep breathing, which is a form of meditation in itself.
You can start with the simple and beginner-friendly coherent breathing technique:
Step 1: Whether you’re sitting upright or lying down, place your hands on your belly.
Step 2: Slowly breathe in for about 5 seconds, expanding your belly.
Step 3: Pause.
Step 4: Slowly breathe out to the count of six.
*Practice this cycle for 10 to 20 minutes a day
Make An Arts And Crafts Project
Escape the mess inside your head by stimulating your brain and senses with something that will push your creativity like making an arts and crafts project. Sensory experiences such as knitting, crocheting, or designing a scrapbook page require planning, concentration, and, sometimes, repetitive movements that can be therapeutic. Not to mention, seeing your output—whatever it may be—gives you a sense of reward.
Get Moving
And by get moving, we mean EXERCISE! Putting your muscles to work at least 30 minutes a day through a moderately physical activity won’t just get you in good shape—it also pumps endorphins a.k.a. happy hormones that will naturally put you in a good mood! So look up exercise routines on YouTube, slip into a cute set of workout clothes, and move it!
Give Yourself A Makeover
De-stressing activities can come in many forms for girls like you! Sometimes, it can be as simple as trying a multi-step skincare regimen! Start by taking a refreshing shower and pamper yourself with a moisturizing sheet mask. Let your skin absorb the essence with a soft self-facial massage as you catch up on your favorite show on Netflix or as you try dry-brushing other parts of your body to reveal a new glow! The transformative effect of a home makeover will not just make you look good, but it will also make you feel good!
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