Be at Your Best with a Great Self-Care Routine
Taking care of yourself is the key to living your best life.
Self-care is made up of choices that lead you to a place of wholeness and wellness. The steps you take need not be expensive, trendy, or Instagrammable all the time (not that it'd hurt to share that selfie highlighting your post-yoga glow).
Continue with the positive changes you've put into your areas of strength. And give yourself the opportunity to address areas for improvement. For a start, why not go for the things that will make you feel safe and protected as you bloom into your best self yet?
Health: Create A Weekly Menu
Do you live alone and independently from your parents? Or are you comfortable living with roomies? Whatever your current living setup is, take charge and start creating a weekly menu. You can ask your housemates if they want to join.
Research healthy dishes, drinks, and desserts that you can prepare in bulk. Mind you, this goes beyond dieting. See what happens if you religiously nourish your body with nutritious food. You'll feel more energized and stronger, and probably be better at keeping the doctor away.
Mind: Detach from Technology
Going online to connect, work, and relax is inescapable these days. But allow yourself to go on a digital detox from time to time. It's a way to reset, refocus, and reprioritize. Find some 'unplugged' hobbies you can enjoy while you're at it, like reading books or gardening. Alternatively, spend time with your BFF in a place where there is little to no connectivity.
Mind & Emotion: Journal
Is your mind running 100 miles per hour? Is your mood swinging in different directions? Your thoughts and emotions can be overwhelming on some days, maybe more so when you're going through a transition. Putting these into words and on paper — or on the screen — can help you unload some of the burden.
Journaling is a habit you can cultivate with freedom and flexibility. You can follow your own rules, or none at all, while keeping track of what you're thinking and feeling in certain situations. How's that for a strategy for knowing yourself more?
Body: Find External Sources of Care
You also need products and services that really put the care in self-care. Find the best-quality shampoo, toothpaste, and soap that provide the best results for your body; read the reviews and splurge on the most suitable products for your type.
It’s equally important to stock up on a feminine wash that cleanses and protects your lady bits delicately, like pH Care. It's the ideal solution to care for your intimate parts with its pH level of 5. It’s safe to use every day!
Remember that no detail is too small when it comes to self-care. Work on the things you have to change and stick with those that work. You can achieve your best life through your power and persistence, and the graciousness of others. So don't fret about keeping it together, from clearing the cobwebs in your head to staying fresh down there, because you are able and, of course, we #GoLangGirl.