The 8 Things to Look Forward to in Your 30s
You can fully embrace the excitement of your 30s if you know what this decade has in store for you. Here are the 8 things that can get you started.
Is 30 really the new 20? For those wondering what Decade Three is all about, you’ll be glad to know this: Life can only get better from here.
While your 20s have been filled with “firsts” like earning your first salary or buying your first car, you probably don't want to extend your worst moments and repeat your missteps into the next decade. As you move into your thirties, you’ll have a chance to cherish the person you've blossomed into—courtesy of some added lessons and rewards, of course!
Check out these 8 things you can look forward to in the next decade (#can'twaittohitthebig30).
1. Enjoying the Rewards of Your Hard Work
Look at you. You’ve moved out of your parents' house to live on your own. You're earning more now, making it easier for you to achieve your travel goals. That decade of hard work has actually amounted to something!
Now, you have the disposable income to spend on little luxuries. Going on a spa date with your best friend has become a ritual. Indulging yourself occasionally now sounds fun, rather than far-fetched.
2. Getting Closer to Your Parents
Whether or not you are now a parent yourself, you find it easier to relate to your parents. You make time to call or visit them more often. To show gratitude for their sacrifices while raising you and your siblings, say, you take your mom out to dinner when you can.
3. Having More Confidence in Your Own Decisions
You’re more kampante about the decisions you make, be it at work, in your relationships, or your personal life. You know your strengths and weaknesses, as well as the workarounds. Other people's opinions can't sway you easily.
4. Knowing A Few Life Hacks
If life throws you lemons, you have a mental list of 50+ things to do with those yellow citrus fruits. More literally, you batch-cook meals to save time and moolah. You know where to source affordable yet high-quality wares. Your resourcefulness is a gift to others and yourself.
5. Establishing Clearer Priorities
One priority that gets bumped up the list is your health. You certainly feel the changes: getting tired quickly and recovering slowly from a sleepless night or two. Moving your body, then, is no longer an option but a necessity.
Feeling secure in your relationships, career, and finances is just as important. So these areas are also high on your priority list.
6. Pursuing Better Opportunities
In your 30s, you have now mastered your craft, and increased your confidence in your skills. Now’s the time to raise your status in your current company or explore growth opportunities in a new one. Now’s the time to finally pursue a master’s degree, get married, advance in a different city, or return home to set up a business. Consider any of these choices as a step up.
7. Finding a Core Group of Friends
Despite the ups and downs, you have people whom you care about and who care about you. You no longer seek the approval or love of large numbers of people; you’ve slimmed down your circle to a select, trustworthy few.
These are go-to people who make you feel safe when it comes to personal and professional matters. You can seek their expertise, listening ears, or unstinting support. These include your colleagues, mentors, spiritual community, and inner circle of family and friends.
8. Knowing How to Properly Care for Your Needs
"You can't give what you don't have" may sound like a cliche. But there's wisdom in knowing your limits as a colleague or boss, parent, daughter, friend, etc. As you know what you like (and what’s hiyang) based on decades of experience, you’re no longer swayed by trends. Taking care of yourself first is now a top priority.
As your self-care routine becomes more established, you can stay fresh and ready to embrace the excitement of your 30s. In turn, you can make room for other responsibilities, too. This is why it's important to use trusted products in your self-care routine, like pH Care. Safe for daily use, it’s the solution that cleanses your feminine area while keeping it in its natural pH level.
Keeping these in mind, you should not dread the big 3-0. It’s a decade that highlights clarity, consistency, and stability. But it doesn’t automatically become this way. It needs your input.
There's no turning back because life can only get better from here. And, of course, you got this. And we #GoLangGirl!